Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My First Time!

My fascination with guitars started when I was about 16. Yes sir! My air guitarist resume goes back 5 years. However, it wasn't until my freshman year at Indiana University that I actually expressed wanting to learn how to play the guitar. My excuse for not pursuing it was always "I don't have time." So after two more years of this same line, I came to a point in my life where I needed to MAKE TIME!. So I did just that, I was determined that fall of 2009, I was going to learn to play. So the search for a teacher began. I had a small list of what I wanted out of a teacher:
1. They had to be an awesome guitarist!
2. They had to be flexible.
3. They had to have a great personality.
My search didn't last very long. I easily targeted my guy. His name was Zach and not only did he fit all three criteria but he was also my neighbor (HUGE PLUS)! So after setting up a time that fit both of our schedules, it was on! My first lesson was October 28th, I was TOO excited! It was the first time I had actually felt the smooth polished wood of a six string acoustic guitar sit on my lap. The first time my fingers were able to press down on those thin metal strings and it actually make a beautiful sound! That night I learned alot from Zach, for example, how to play three major chords and where to position my hands.
But the most important thing that I learned that night was that I was born to hold a guitar!